2001-2004: First practical use of DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).
2004: First rap songs recorded.
2004: Stroke; almost half a year spent in different hospitals.
2005: Rehabilitation period.
2006: First rap songs recorded after the stroke.
2006: First live performances.
2007: First time in a professional recording studio.
2008: Finishes his own home studio. (Has no idea how to mix or master tho)
2009: Records one album in Latvian.
2010: Records another album in Latvian.
2010: Starts transitioning towards rapping in English, learning to create a decent sounding English.
2011: Releases his practice material in English, AGRT (Aliens Got Rappers Too), to the public.
2012: Develops decent results in English.
2012: After teaching her some production tricks, starts working together with his wife and beatmaker LostLaura.
2012: Records his first song for the album “Reflection.”
2013: Kristjan and LostLaura become parents to their firstborn son.
2014: First international gigs.
2014-2016: A lot of concert work; Kristjan performs live in countries like Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
2015: Finishes recording “Reflection.”
2016: Releases “Reflection.”
2017: Breaks up with LostLaura and moves to Estonia.
2017-2022: very unproductive time. Even there were projects,but they failed.
2023: Back to work as Kristjan.
2024: Starting to release newly recorded tracks